In order to provide clients with specialized recruiting solutions, Pioneer Placement has developed expertise in the following industry segments:

Sales & Marketing

In the simplest of terms, marketing is building awareness of your organization and brand to potential customers. Sales is turning that viewership into a profit, by converting those potential customers into actual ones. While these two business functions are different, they both share a common goal: to attract prospects and convert them to customers, ultimately generating revenue. We have a good and dedicated team for the same. We believe in maintaining long-standing relationships with our clients and ensure that companies find a perfect link with the right talent at the right time.

US Healthcare

The US Healthcare industry is massive, and is contributing to grow as the population keeps on increasing. Many different types of companies and healthcare institutions work together to provide patient satisfaction and a better quality of care. We have a dedicated team who provide services to the different companies. We are well positioned to provide customised teanelt solutions that help our clients.


It refers to a form of outsourcing core, information related work activities executed by employees in different companies. KPO involves high-value work like research, development and analysis. Our team helps them when they are looking for people with specialized knowledge and expertise. Our team has the ability to understand the business context, the role requirements and specifics of the job.

Content development

It is the process of researching, writing and gathering. organizing and editing information for publication. It is a very emerging market as the days are passing by. We have consultants having a strong network with employees working in different companies. We have a strong network of consultants having thorough knowledge of the market as well as the potential candidates.


Over the years we have executed different successful projects for different companies. We have a dedicated team for the same and our consultants have a good command in this sector. It is still one of the fastest growing sector and the pace would remain the same. We have a team of experts who have extensive experience and in-depth knowledge in this segment. We have a seamless approach to select the appropriate candidate to meet and sometimes even exceed the expectations of our clients.


Humans have been storing, retrieving and communicating information since the Sumerians in Mesopotamia developed writing in about 3000 BC. Later we called it Information Technology. There remains an unexplored pool of extremely talented and experienced individuals in this sector. We have stayed ahead of the curve in the infrastructure domain. This is the area where our team has always given the output at par.


We have been into this segment for a long time and successfully catering our services to some industry giants. We have a good and dedicated team for the same. We have successful projects for our clients PAN India. We would keep on doing the same. Our team has a hands-on approach, and an internal process rigor ensures accurate screening and shortlisting of candidates.


This is one of our oldest verticals and our team loves working on the same. We have numerous happy clients and they keep on increasing. We always deliver numbers whenever it is required. Our wide network of consultants collaborates closely to ensure that we can match our knowledge and expertise to our clients’ business needs.


India currently has one of the largest higher Education systems in the world and has become the second largest market for e-learning. The Education sector has been witnessing a paradigm shift, driven by digitization. Our team understands that the increasing number of schools, colleges and universities require fresh talent and innovative leadership strategies to sustain in this changing environment. have the ability to deliver results across the entire Education realm.

Real Estate

The Real Estate sector in India is largely divided into residential and commercial (retail, offices and hospitality) categories. The overall economic conditions highly affect the performance of the Real Estate sector in India. We have a strong network of consultants having thorough knowledge of the market as well as the potential candidates. We develop strong ties with both of them which helps us understand the requirements from both the sides, thus mapping the right candidates with the right companies.

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